Demi Moore officially filed divorce papers in Los Angeles in early March. This comes over a year after it was announced she would be splitting up with estranged husband Ashton Kutcher.
According to the Huffington Post, a source reported that she is definitely ready to move on after the drawn out process. Moore reportedly wanted to reach a private agreement prior to filing her papers, resulting in her waiting this long to file her papers, despite Kutcher already filing his papers last December. Kutcher has reportedly made the entire process more difficult, according to the Huffington Post‘s source. The divorce will go into litigation and trial if lawyers don’t reach a settlement this spring.
Kutcher was rumored to have an affair with a 22-year-old woman on his and Moore’s sixth year anniversary.
Under any circumstances, filing for divorce is difficult, frustrating, and even heart-wrenching. Our legal team at the Law Offices of Baden V. Mansfield understands this and works to help our clients through every part of the process. Call 310-546-5858 today to speak with us about your needs and find out what we can do to make this easier for you.