Manhattan Beach Decreasing Alimony Lawyers
After a couple files for divorce and legally end their marriage, one spouse may have to continue to support the other spouse by paying alimony or spousal support payments for an extended amount of time. In the event of a significant change in one’s financial situation, it may be appropriate to seek a decrease in the amount of alimony paid. Though a spousal support order is crafted to reflect the circumstances at the time it issued, there are many unforeseeable changes which may render it inappropriate.
At the Law Offices of Baden V. Mansfield, our Manhattan Bach decreasing alimony payment lawyers are here to help you to seek a suitable adjustment to the terms of your spousal support order. If you believe that a lesser alimony payment is necessary or appropriate, contact us today at 310-546-5858
Circumstances Leading to a Decrease in Alimony
There are a variety of circumstances that may make it necessary for you to decrease alimony payments, but it is important to note that you cannot simply start sending less money, regardless of the situation. You will need to formally petition for a change, and a skilled and experienced attorney can help you in this matter. The following are some circumstances which may warrant a reduction in alimony payments:
- Being laid off or fired from your job
- Increased cost of living
- Reduction in pay
- Significant improvement in the recipient’s financial situation
- Unexpected medical costs
- Disability that prevents you from working
Contact Us
If you are struggling to keep up with alimony payments due to legitimate financial hardship, we can help you to seek a modification. Contact the Manhattan Beach decreasing alimony lawyers at the Law Offices of Baden V. Mansfield by calling 310-546-5858.